Slaves Were Happy Immigrants

slavery torture American history

The Tortured Truth about Slavery. As much as we whitewashed over the brutality of slavery as evidenced by this (L) happy “immigrant” slave as portrayed in a 1950s children’s coloring book, slaves were regularly beaten and often tortured (R) as seen in this illustration of instruments of torture used on slaves.

Slaves as happy immigrants? In the Trump American Dream world of Alternative Facts, this one’s a doozy.

In this land of dreams and opportunity the only dreaming going on is from sleepy-eyed Dr Ben Carson who just characterized slaves as happy immigrants who came to the U.S. with very little and worked really hard for less.

This from an African-American?

Whitewashing the Truth

Over the years white Americans have told themselves varying stories about enslavement of blacks presenting slavery as perhaps wrong but not such a bad thing.

What child of the late 1950’s wouldn’t enjoy coloring in a jolly picture of a happy slave picking cotton in the Ol’ South.

The illustration featured  above was a page straight out of history.  A 1958 coloring book of American History whose pages are filled with other fun-loving, morally defining American history moments  such as the Atomic Bomb explosion.

Of Betsy De Vos’s view of Jim Crow as “school choice” fits in nicely with this alternative world view too.


  1. Pierre Lagacé

    Everyday I check what is going on south of the border. The more I read, the more sorry I am about where your great country is heading. This is sort of a television soap drama. You are rivited to your computer or your tablet to see what is going to happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pierre Lagacé

    Did I say everyday?
    I meant every hour.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think Dr. Ben Carson went to the same school as Justice Clarence Thomas.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lynn

    Are we really living in a movie called “Dumb and Dumber”?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: In lumina

  6. Of course, Obama referred to slaves as immigrants (in their own way) as well when he said, “Certainly it wasn’t easy for those of African heritage who had not come here voluntarily, and yet in their own way were immigrants themselves.:.


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