Posts Tagged: Tribute

carrie fisher

Remembering Carrie Fisher- May Her Force Be With Us

Remembering Carrie Fisher today. Four years ago in what now feels like a lifetime, we tragically lost this force to be reckoned with. Oh what brilliant and biting bon mots might she have uttered during this entire Trump tragedy. A

carrie fisher

Remembering Carrie Fisher- May Her Force Be With Us

Remembering Carrie Fisher today. Four years ago in what now feels like a lifetime, we tragically lost this force to be reckoned with. Oh what brilliant and biting bon mots might she have uttered during this entire Trump tragedy. A

carrie fisher

Carrie Fisher- May Her Force Be With Us

As many are mourning Princess Leia, I am mourning the grown up, bone-fide, bad-ass woman who that iconic bun headed dream girl of their childhood grew up to be; the raw, irreverent, inspiring, one of a kind powerhouse in Hollywood

carrie fisher

Carrie Fisher- May Her Force Be With Us

As many are mourning Princess Leia, I am mourning the grown up, bone-fide, bad-ass woman who that iconic bun headed dream girl of their childhood grew up to be; the raw, irreverent, inspiring, one of a kind powerhouse in Hollywood