Posts Tagged: Jews

Holocaust Remembrance Day- More Important than Ever

To those deniers of the Holocaust: There is no denying that these members of my husband Hershel’s family lives were taken too early. There is no denying that none of them would ever enjoy growing old to delight in the

Holocaust Remembrance Day- More Important than Ever

To those deniers of the Holocaust: There is no denying that these members of my husband Hershel’s family lives were taken too early. There is no denying that none of them would ever enjoy growing old to delight in the

Trump’s Myopic Vision of Christian Visibility Day

Someone needs their eyes checked. Donald Trump has vowed to establish a “Christian Visibility Day.” Clearly looking at the eclipse in 2017 has permanently damaged Trump’s vision. And addled his brain. Open your eyes, Donnie. We do not need a

Trump’s Myopic Vision of Christian Visibility Day

Someone needs their eyes checked. Donald Trump has vowed to establish a “Christian Visibility Day.” Clearly looking at the eclipse in 2017 has permanently damaged Trump’s vision. And addled his brain. Open your eyes, Donnie. We do not need a

Celebrating You on Christmas

To all who celebrate today, whatever you celebrate, in whatever way you choose to celebrate… I celebrate you! Thank you for taking the time to read my words, and hear my voice among the cacophony of voices out there. At

Celebrating You on Christmas

To all who celebrate today, whatever you celebrate, in whatever way you choose to celebrate… I celebrate you! Thank you for taking the time to read my words, and hear my voice among the cacophony of voices out there. At

Anti Antisemitism is a Perpetual Problem

    We are all witnessing in real time that antisemitism is not a thing of the past but a perpetual problem. And for me, this perpetual problem has hit me in a very literal way. A commentator online chose

Anti Antisemitism is a Perpetual Problem

    We are all witnessing in real time that antisemitism is not a thing of the past but a perpetual problem. And for me, this perpetual problem has hit me in a very literal way. A commentator online chose

Never Again is Now

Hate is no longer hiding, but out on the streets for all to see. While peacefully walking with his grandson on Park Avenue the other day, a friend’s reverie was shattered by a group of about 100 “peacefully” marching on

Never Again is Now

Hate is no longer hiding, but out on the streets for all to see. While peacefully walking with his grandson on Park Avenue the other day, a friend’s reverie was shattered by a group of about 100 “peacefully” marching on

Trump’s Wolf call- Wake Up Sheep!

  While solemn Jews were attending concluding services for Rosh Hashanah, uplifted by the ritual of the ancient blowing of the shofar ( a rams horn) that connects us to our souls,  Donald Trump took to Truth Social to wish

Trump’s Wolf call- Wake Up Sheep!

  While solemn Jews were attending concluding services for Rosh Hashanah, uplifted by the ritual of the ancient blowing of the shofar ( a rams horn) that connects us to our souls,  Donald Trump took to Truth Social to wish

New Year New Beginings

Wishing all my dear friends and readers a sweet New Year filled with light and enlightenment, open hearts, and new beginnings. L’ Shanah Tovah. This should be the season of open hearts. At some point in time, there is not

New Year New Beginings

Wishing all my dear friends and readers a sweet New Year filled with light and enlightenment, open hearts, and new beginnings. L’ Shanah Tovah. This should be the season of open hearts. At some point in time, there is not

Kennedy and Anti-Semitism Nothing New Here.

Yet again the media is awash with more stories of Robert Kennedy Jr’s far-fetched antisemitic rants that seem to appear with a dizzying regularity. The public outrage is predictable and understandable- a disgrace to the family. How dare anyone sully

Kennedy and Anti-Semitism Nothing New Here.

Yet again the media is awash with more stories of Robert Kennedy Jr’s far-fetched antisemitic rants that seem to appear with a dizzying regularity. The public outrage is predictable and understandable- a disgrace to the family. How dare anyone sully

Remembrance Day

A day that I remember my mother is also a day to remember all those who perished in the Holocaust. As I remember my own mother Betty  today, there is another young mother I want to honor today on Yom

Remembrance Day

A day that I remember my mother is also a day to remember all those who perished in the Holocaust. As I remember my own mother Betty  today, there is another young mother I want to honor today on Yom

A National Day of Hate or A National Day Of Vigilance

Social media loves to remind us of special National Days we never even knew existed before, providing an opportunity to post warm and fuzzy pictures. There are designated days to honor your dog, your love of donuts, or remember your

A National Day of Hate or A National Day Of Vigilance

Social media loves to remind us of special National Days we never even knew existed before, providing an opportunity to post warm and fuzzy pictures. There are designated days to honor your dog, your love of donuts, or remember your