Monthly Archives: September 2020


National Coffee Day a Day of Jitters.

  I’ve got a bad case of the jitters, and its not from too much caffiene. Although normally a big good -to-the-last-drop kind of coffee addict I am so anxious and jittery about tonight’s debate, I am limiting my coffee


National Coffee Day a Day of Jitters.

  I’ve got a bad case of the jitters, and its not from too much caffiene. Although normally a big good -to-the-last-drop kind of coffee addict I am so anxious and jittery about tonight’s debate, I am limiting my coffee

A Fundamental Lie

Fundamentally, Trump is a liar. Donald Trump’s long-running Ponzi scheme is over. The sleazy snake oil salesman has been caught red-handed. The New York Times in its scathing piece on Trump’s taxes has pulled back the curtain confirming what we

A Fundamental Lie

Fundamentally, Trump is a liar. Donald Trump’s long-running Ponzi scheme is over. The sleazy snake oil salesman has been caught red-handed. The New York Times in its scathing piece on Trump’s taxes has pulled back the curtain confirming what we

Who Says Women Have Equal Rights

Will Operation June Cleaver Be Deployed in 2020

  Get ready to set your clocks back, kids. No, it’s not daylight savings time yet, but it’s about to get darker a lot earlier than many of us hoped for. A woman whose religious beliefs require her to absolute

Who Says Women Have Equal Rights

Will Operation June Cleaver Be Deployed in 2020

  Get ready to set your clocks back, kids. No, it’s not daylight savings time yet, but it’s about to get darker a lot earlier than many of us hoped for. A woman whose religious beliefs require her to absolute

My Politics is My Art

As I’ve been watching the memorial service for RBG with tears for our loss and tears of where we are, there are also feelings of pride. As a woman, a feminist, and a Jew.  It is meaningful to me in

My Politics is My Art

As I’ve been watching the memorial service for RBG with tears for our loss and tears of where we are, there are also feelings of pride. As a woman, a feminist, and a Jew.  It is meaningful to me in

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Choices

The Mid-Century World Ruth Bader Ginsburg Defied

The world was never the same because of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. A shy, petite, Jewish girl from Brooklyn changed my life forever. Her impact was as profound as another self-effacing, compassionate, Jewish, Brooklyn-born woman. My mother. Their place and affections

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Choices

The Mid-Century World Ruth Bader Ginsburg Defied

The world was never the same because of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. A shy, petite, Jewish girl from Brooklyn changed my life forever. Her impact was as profound as another self-effacing, compassionate, Jewish, Brooklyn-born woman. My mother. Their place and affections

How To Best Honor the Notorious RBG

I awoke this morning with such a heavy heart as one does after a loved one dies and the world seems changed forever. We are all heartbroken. It’s easy to get lost in the darkness but the greatest tribute to

How To Best Honor the Notorious RBG

I awoke this morning with such a heavy heart as one does after a loved one dies and the world seems changed forever. We are all heartbroken. It’s easy to get lost in the darkness but the greatest tribute to

Tortured Truth

Talk about tortured lies. And tone-deaf. Bill Barr our chief law enforcement officer, now claims other than slavery, COVID-lockdowns are the worst civil liberties infringement in US history. If he thinks of a protective mask as a torture device, he

Tortured Truth

Talk about tortured lies. And tone-deaf. Bill Barr our chief law enforcement officer, now claims other than slavery, COVID-lockdowns are the worst civil liberties infringement in US history. If he thinks of a protective mask as a torture device, he

Anti Trump anti Maskers

Masks. Saves. Lives. Period.

No protective mask can hide the utter unfitness of Donald Trump. His hateful, incompetent self is unmasked every day. The release of Bob Woodward’s new book Rage only confirms what most of us already knew. His handling of the coronavirus

Anti Trump anti Maskers

Masks. Saves. Lives. Period.

No protective mask can hide the utter unfitness of Donald Trump. His hateful, incompetent self is unmasked every day. The release of Bob Woodward’s new book Rage only confirms what most of us already knew. His handling of the coronavirus

Comrade Joe and Socialist Sally

To believe Trump you’d a thunk the democrats nominated Fidel Castro! Since “ Socialist” Joe Biden is just one step away from morphing into the Cuban dictator – that is according to my die-hard Trump following neighbors – I pulled

Comrade Joe and Socialist Sally

To believe Trump you’d a thunk the democrats nominated Fidel Castro! Since “ Socialist” Joe Biden is just one step away from morphing into the Cuban dictator – that is according to my die-hard Trump following neighbors – I pulled

Not Normal Art In the Age of Trump

Not Normal Art in the Age of Trump

 Nothing is normal anymore in the age of Trump. For 4 years, artists around the United States have been raging against Donald Trump and the destruction he has created. I am proud to be one of them. I am also

Not Normal Art In the Age of Trump

Not Normal Art in the Age of Trump

 Nothing is normal anymore in the age of Trump. For 4 years, artists around the United States have been raging against Donald Trump and the destruction he has created. I am proud to be one of them. I am also