Monthly Archives: August 2019

Toni Morrison’s Lessons

Words matter. We are witnessing the urgency of that right now. America is in crises. No one understood that better than novelist Toni Morrison. The brilliant Nobel laureate knew the power of words. Her eloquent expressions informed us and inspired

Toni Morrison’s Lessons

Words matter. We are witnessing the urgency of that right now. America is in crises. No one understood that better than novelist Toni Morrison. The brilliant Nobel laureate knew the power of words. Her eloquent expressions informed us and inspired

Donald Trump

Who Pulled the Trigger?

“Mental illness and hatred pulled the trigger…” Trump remarked Monday morning about the latest mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. For once he is right. Our White Supremacist In Chief is not only a hate-filled racist he is mentally

Donald Trump

Who Pulled the Trigger?

“Mental illness and hatred pulled the trigger…” Trump remarked Monday morning about the latest mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. For once he is right. Our White Supremacist In Chief is not only a hate-filled racist he is mentally

mass shootings in America thoughts and Prayers

American Carnage Again and Again

  Saying prayers is not enough. Again. Our Congressional leaders need to get up off their knees and do something about gun violence and ban assault rifles. Offering prayers but failing to act to end gun violence make their prayers

mass shootings in America thoughts and Prayers

American Carnage Again and Again

  Saying prayers is not enough. Again. Our Congressional leaders need to get up off their knees and do something about gun violence and ban assault rifles. Offering prayers but failing to act to end gun violence make their prayers