Monthly Archives: June 2012

How To Beat The Heat

Tips and techniques from World Book Encyclopedia 1955

How To Beat The Heat

Tips and techniques from World Book Encyclopedia 1955

Locked in The American Dream Closet

In the 1930’s. my bachelor  Uncle Harry was a social realist painter who learned the bitter social realities that surrounded a gay man in early 20th century America. Trained under artist John Sloan, the well known Social Realist  at N.Y.C’s

Locked in The American Dream Closet

In the 1930’s. my bachelor  Uncle Harry was a social realist painter who learned the bitter social realities that surrounded a gay man in early 20th century America. Trained under artist John Sloan, the well known Social Realist  at N.Y.C’s

Suburban Swan Song

Along with the housing market, that All-American suburban bubble of optimism has burst The suburbs were once the promised land; the American Dream made manifest . For over 65 years, home ownership was the defining definition the American Dream. Just

Suburban Swan Song

Along with the housing market, that All-American suburban bubble of optimism has burst The suburbs were once the promised land; the American Dream made manifest . For over 65 years, home ownership was the defining definition the American Dream. Just

vintage illustration wedding

The Gay Bachelor And The Bride

Next to the waiter passing the champagne, my confirmed bachelor Great Uncle Harry was the most sought after man at a mid-century wedding. Vivacious and gay with wavy hair the color of honey, lush black eyelashes shading come hither eyes,

vintage illustration wedding

The Gay Bachelor And The Bride

Next to the waiter passing the champagne, my confirmed bachelor Great Uncle Harry was the most sought after man at a mid-century wedding. Vivacious and gay with wavy hair the color of honey, lush black eyelashes shading come hither eyes,

GI Joe To Joe College

Once upon a time colleges and home ownership were a privilege reserved for the rich. As the cost of 4 years of college education escalates between $100,00 and $200,000 we  may end up replicating  those pre- WWII times. It was

GI Joe To Joe College

Once upon a time colleges and home ownership were a privilege reserved for the rich. As the cost of 4 years of college education escalates between $100,00 and $200,000 we  may end up replicating  those pre- WWII times. It was

vintage illustration college graduation

Empty Nest Egg Syndrome

To the click of camera shutters and the ring  of stirring oratory, hundreds of thousands of students have stepped forward this spring to receive diplomas from the colleges and universities of our vast country,  thus marking an age old  rite

vintage illustration college graduation

Empty Nest Egg Syndrome

To the click of camera shutters and the ring  of stirring oratory, hundreds of thousands of students have stepped forward this spring to receive diplomas from the colleges and universities of our vast country,  thus marking an age old  rite

Shaking The Suburban DDT’s

Pest control companies are making out like bandits. Their phones are ringing off the hook as desperate homeowners are looking for some relief from the invasion of insects that have descended upon springtime suburbia. Thanks to global warming, a dry

Shaking The Suburban DDT’s

Pest control companies are making out like bandits. Their phones are ringing off the hook as desperate homeowners are looking for some relief from the invasion of insects that have descended upon springtime suburbia. Thanks to global warming, a dry

A Retro Fathers Day Fit for a King

Once upon a time, but not too long ago, all Dads were king. Not only for a measly third Sunday in June, but to believe the mid-century American advertiser, the head of the household was the sovereign ruler of his

A Retro Fathers Day Fit for a King

Once upon a time, but not too long ago, all Dads were king. Not only for a measly third Sunday in June, but to believe the mid-century American advertiser, the head of the household was the sovereign ruler of his

Matriculating Into Mid Century Matrimony

June is the month-long associated with graduates and brides and it wasn’t that long ago that they were often one and the same thing. Most young women in the 1950’s and early 1960’s were convinced that the basic occupation of

Matriculating Into Mid Century Matrimony

June is the month-long associated with graduates and brides and it wasn’t that long ago that they were often one and the same thing. Most young women in the 1950’s and early 1960’s were convinced that the basic occupation of

vintage illustration graduates shaing a coke

Graduates Deserve A Break Today

Graduation is a big moment in any family life. Proud parents watching their recent graduates receiving a diploma from the Dean of their school is replicated coast to coast; that simple piece of paper insuring a great future, their ticket

vintage illustration graduates shaing a coke

Graduates Deserve A Break Today

Graduation is a big moment in any family life. Proud parents watching their recent graduates receiving a diploma from the Dean of their school is replicated coast to coast; that simple piece of paper insuring a great future, their ticket