Monthly Archives: December 2021

New years Eve Mary Tyler Moore

Happy New Year 2022-Will We Make It After All?

How I long to shout “Happy New Year” and really mean it. Wear a silly hat and blow a cheezy plastic horn at midnight and truly believe its message! Exchange that greeting with friends without a hint of irony! Last

New years Eve Mary Tyler Moore

Happy New Year 2022-Will We Make It After All?

How I long to shout “Happy New Year” and really mean it. Wear a silly hat and blow a cheezy plastic horn at midnight and truly believe its message! Exchange that greeting with friends without a hint of irony! Last

An F.A.O. Schwarz Christmas

When I think of Christmas I think about F.A.O. Schwarz, a store synonymous with this season for me. My love for toys that remain to this day, was nurtured here. If it was holiday time, visits to this New York

An F.A.O. Schwarz Christmas

When I think of Christmas I think about F.A.O. Schwarz, a store synonymous with this season for me. My love for toys that remain to this day, was nurtured here. If it was holiday time, visits to this New York

My Not So Secret Christmas Story

To all who celebrate today, whatever you celebrate, in whatever way you choose to celebrate… I celebrate you! Thank you for taking the time to read my words, and hear my voice among the cacophony of voices out there. At

My Not So Secret Christmas Story

To all who celebrate today, whatever you celebrate, in whatever way you choose to celebrate… I celebrate you! Thank you for taking the time to read my words, and hear my voice among the cacophony of voices out there. At

Not Always a White Christmas

A Black Santa? Who knew my local Rite Aid was so woke? Not just a white Christmas in my town of Huntington. Just a few towns over from my blue-leaning village lies a nasty patch of Trump country, where the

Not Always a White Christmas

A Black Santa? Who knew my local Rite Aid was so woke? Not just a white Christmas in my town of Huntington. Just a few towns over from my blue-leaning village lies a nasty patch of Trump country, where the

Stanley Labrador retriever

A Happy Christmas Tail

My dog Stanley has long had one favorite toy. Despite a large wooden toy box overflowing with bones, balls, and chewy playthings of all shapes and sizes, from the time he was a tiny puppy he has always gravitated to

Stanley Labrador retriever

A Happy Christmas Tail

My dog Stanley has long had one favorite toy. Despite a large wooden toy box overflowing with bones, balls, and chewy playthings of all shapes and sizes, from the time he was a tiny puppy he has always gravitated to


And Just Like That…It’s COVID 2020

And just like that…it’s 2020. Not only are we still talking about Donald Trump and Roger Stone’s smarmy face is still assaulting us on the news, but like a bad re-run of a horror show we have seen before, or


And Just Like That…It’s COVID 2020

And just like that…it’s 2020. Not only are we still talking about Donald Trump and Roger Stone’s smarmy face is still assaulting us on the news, but like a bad re-run of a horror show we have seen before, or

R.I.P. Monkees Mike Nesmith

Just as every girl had her favorite Beatle, so it was with the Monkees. While lead singer Davy Jones with his devilish English accent, blew the minds of most prepubescent girls right into orbit,  wool-capped Mike Nesmith with his deadpan

R.I.P. Monkees Mike Nesmith

Just as every girl had her favorite Beatle, so it was with the Monkees. While lead singer Davy Jones with his devilish English accent, blew the minds of most prepubescent girls right into orbit,  wool-capped Mike Nesmith with his deadpan

Pearl Harbor 80 Years Ago

From the Archives: December 7, 1941 Just as 9/11  is a marker for this current generation, and November 22 was for mine, Sunday, December 7, 1941, was a where-were-you-when-kind of day that was seared permanently in the memory of the

Pearl Harbor 80 Years Ago

From the Archives: December 7, 1941 Just as 9/11  is a marker for this current generation, and November 22 was for mine, Sunday, December 7, 1941, was a where-were-you-when-kind of day that was seared permanently in the memory of the

Stink in America

The American Stench

Something is rotten in America. And it stinks! The stink the rancid Republicans continue to make over abortion rights is simply foul. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wonders whether our court will survive the stench of overturning Roe v Wade.

Stink in America

The American Stench

Something is rotten in America. And it stinks! The stink the rancid Republicans continue to make over abortion rights is simply foul. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wonders whether our court will survive the stench of overturning Roe v Wade.