Posts Tagged: personal

A Pack Rat Pushes Back At Trump

Yet one more reason to despise Donald Trump. He is giving pack rats like me a bad name. The former hoarder-in-chief’s attachment to paper is a very familiar one to me. Trump can’t seem to part with his and neither

A Pack Rat Pushes Back At Trump

Yet one more reason to despise Donald Trump. He is giving pack rats like me a bad name. The former hoarder-in-chief’s attachment to paper is a very familiar one to me. Trump can’t seem to part with his and neither

COVID in the House

Always a late bloomer, I’ve finally joined the COVID Club, one I never really wanted membership in. And it’s a full house of COVID19. Nothing says togetherness like quarantining with my also positive husband. There are now His and Hers

COVID in the House

Always a late bloomer, I’ve finally joined the COVID Club, one I never really wanted membership in. And it’s a full house of COVID19. Nothing says togetherness like quarantining with my also positive husband. There are now His and Hers

Before They Were Fathers – A Post Father’s Day Post

It was 1937 and these two dapper gentlemen on opposite sides of the globe were young men with their lives just starting out. Being a father was far from either man’s mind. Both Jews, their lives would take extraordinarily different

Before They Were Fathers – A Post Father’s Day Post

It was 1937 and these two dapper gentlemen on opposite sides of the globe were young men with their lives just starting out. Being a father was far from either man’s mind. Both Jews, their lives would take extraordinarily different

Refugee Children Must Live in Our Hearts

Two toddlers. Two Eastern European children displaced by war. Displaced by the brutal actions of an evil sociopath.  Seven decades separate them, but this shared trauma will connect them in history forever. Both will bear emotional wounds that no child

Refugee Children Must Live in Our Hearts

Two toddlers. Two Eastern European children displaced by war. Displaced by the brutal actions of an evil sociopath.  Seven decades separate them, but this shared trauma will connect them in history forever. Both will bear emotional wounds that no child

Lab Love x Two

The other evening I had an experience worthy of an O’ Henry story and my heart is just about bursting with joy. As many of you know I’ve been in the difficult process of letting go and selling many of

Lab Love x Two

The other evening I had an experience worthy of an O’ Henry story and my heart is just about bursting with joy. As many of you know I’ve been in the difficult process of letting go and selling many of

When COVID, Chaos, and Cognitive Decline Collide…Who Could Imagine That

I’ve always had a fertile imagination. For nearly six decades I’ve imagined my life unfolding in the form of a TV show always playing to an imaginary studio audience and their reactions. Its genesis was the late-night imaginings of a

When COVID, Chaos, and Cognitive Decline Collide…Who Could Imagine That

I’ve always had a fertile imagination. For nearly six decades I’ve imagined my life unfolding in the form of a TV show always playing to an imaginary studio audience and their reactions. Its genesis was the late-night imaginings of a

Witness to the Best of Us and the Worst of Us

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? It’s not only The Shadow who knows. Along with that famous 1930’s radio character,  Donald Trump knows the darkness that resides in the hearts of many of our fellow Americans.

Witness to the Best of Us and the Worst of Us

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? It’s not only The Shadow who knows. Along with that famous 1930’s radio character,  Donald Trump knows the darkness that resides in the hearts of many of our fellow Americans.

Community in the Age of Coronavirus

Yesterday my town morphed into Mayberry. The sound of incessant car horns beeping, fire engines blaring and loud cheering drew me out of the quiet of my office yesterday afternoon.  I thought perhaps this was my town’s equivalent of the

Community in the Age of Coronavirus

Yesterday my town morphed into Mayberry. The sound of incessant car horns beeping, fire engines blaring and loud cheering drew me out of the quiet of my office yesterday afternoon.  I thought perhaps this was my town’s equivalent of the

Puppy Love in the Time of the Coronavirus Part II

  Today’s installment of Puppy Love in the Time of the Corona Virus, the Saga of Stanley my lovelorn lab. Like all of us, my dog Stanley has been suffering from acute cabin fever. Although he loves his pack, his

Puppy Love in the Time of the Coronavirus Part II

  Today’s installment of Puppy Love in the Time of the Corona Virus, the Saga of Stanley my lovelorn lab. Like all of us, my dog Stanley has been suffering from acute cabin fever. Although he loves his pack, his

author at the beach with her dog

Love in the Time of the Coronavirus

File this under Love in the time of the Coronavirus My cabin fever finally broke this afternoon, as the draw of fresh air,  water and sunshine drew me to my local beach. The small secluded Long Island beach was dotted

author at the beach with her dog

Love in the Time of the Coronavirus

File this under Love in the time of the Coronavirus My cabin fever finally broke this afternoon, as the draw of fresh air,  water and sunshine drew me to my local beach. The small secluded Long Island beach was dotted