Remembering Carrie Fisher- May Her Force Be With Us


Remembering Carrie Fisher today. Four years ago in what now feels like a lifetime, we tragically lost this force to be reckoned with. Oh what brilliant and biting bon mots might she have uttered during this entire Trump tragedy. A much-needed voice in these darkest of times would have been so welcome.

From the Vault

As many are mourning Princess Leia, I am mourning the grown-up, bone-fide, bad-ass woman who that iconic bun headed dream girl of their childhood grew up to be; the raw, irreverent, inspiring, one of a kind powerhouse in Hollywood or anywhere else.

As a pop culture junkie, I will now confess.

I never saw Star Wars.

Not once. No Empire Strikes Back, No Return of the Jedi. Nada.  So I never fell in love with that Princess in a metal bikini. I never felt at home in a galaxy far, far away. What she spoke to for me was much closer to home.

Down to Earth


Carrie Fisher and her beloved service dog Gary

Carrie Fisher the actress, author, and screenwriter dedicated her powerful platform to very earthbound issues like  mental health awareness and female empowerment. In her authentic voice she used  her irreverent sense of humor to make biting and brilliant observations about ageism, sexism, fame and mental illness.

And Carrie was very down to earth when it came to being candid.

Speaking openly and frankly about her own issues with depression, bi-polar disorder, and addictions she was an unapologetic and unashamed voice for the mentally ill.

She taught us that fame was not a shield against demons.

As someone who has faced her own challenges, wrestling with my own formidable demons, Carrie Fisher has served as a muse, just as she has inspired countless others to raise their voices.

Changing minds by opening ours,  she would deploy her sharp wit and sharper pen to change perceptions and remove stigmas that permeate our society.

Perhaps freed from the burdens of youth, Carrie Fisher’s brilliant mind seemed to blaze even brighter, more caustic and hilarious but always illuminating the truth.

The memory of this formidable woman is a reason and a reminder to keep up the fight.

As we move forward into the darkness of the coming years, her biting, insightful wit will be sorely missed. Carrie Fisher was a force to be reckoned with.

May her force be with us always.

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  1. Sally, I was reading a book where she defines her family tree, with pictures. It is hysterical and sad. This poor girl grew up in a spotlight because her mother needed it so. I feel the need to rent “Postcards from the Edge” which she wrote. Keith


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