Kill the Jews

Between puppy killers and calls to exterminate the Jews, my head is exploding.

A despicable anti-Israeli protestor at George Washington University carried a sign calling for “ the Final Solution” the most bone-chilling two words for a Jew to read.

For this Jew, whose majority of in-laws were exterminated in the Nazi’s Final Solution, it is more than a gut punch.

It is a warning.

It is the canary in the coal mine regarding anti-semitism and the canary is screeching loudly.

The pro-Palestinian protests on campus have veered into antisemitism and incendiary comments are flooding online.

“Kill the Jews”

“Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live.”

These anti-Semitic phrases and sentiments have caused fear and anxiety for many members of Jewish students. And for those of us who haven’t stepped foot on a college campus in 45 years.

We must pay attention.

We must find some solution.

Because the only sign I want to see with the words Final Solution must include Never Again.



  1. rivadns

    Thank you for posting this. The events and political rhetoric since October 7th look like the beginning of another Holocaust and it’s horrifying. Every rational influencer and Jew should be speaking out against the rampant antisemitism spreading around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just happened to see this image that ran in The NY Post and was absolutely horrified.The anti Israel rhetoric has reallyy amped up morphing into antisemitism that is running rampant and escalating. No one has the luxury of remaining silent.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We must stand up to this threat. I know you will continue to speak out; your voice will motivate others to take this threat seriously. It’s global and it is terrifying.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. tripichick

    balfor declaration usual brit paternalism and terror at the monetary power of jews. war is crude way to resolve conflict. the chosen people rhetoric is offensive to those who value treading lightly on earth mother. get over yourselves.

    The United States House of Representatives has passed a $95bn legislative package providing security assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

    while here in eugene 15% of families send kids tio bed hungry, filthy and with no hope because fearless leaders value a shiny new baseball stadium and city hall over mental health. six-month wait list to see a counseling intern IF one has OHP. our $30000/year is over income.

    sorry, the chosen can suck big juicy donkey phalli.

    religion responsibly for a lotta death


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