Revenge Is Trump’s Brand

Trump’s obsession with revenge is nothing new. A vengeful  Trump has always sought retribution against his perceived enemies.

Long part of his business model, his recent threats of retaliation are business as usual for this failed businessman.

In 2005 at a “Real Estate Wealth Expo” in New York City offered by The Learning Annex, the self-anointed star of The Apprentice shared his secrets of success to a packed audience in the Javits Center. Proudly Trump claimed revenge as one of his key motivators even touting it as a key to his success and necessary for anyone wishing to succeed and gain wealth.

Learn From a Master

“The Learning Annex” Cover -Donald Trump 2005

This weekend’s find from the ongoing archeological dig of my collectibles proved revealing.

What New Yorker from a certain time doesn’t remember The Learning Annex, the adult education company?

NYC Kiosks offering free alternative papers and catalogs

Like the ever-present phone booth, there was a time when nearly every busy street corner in N.Y.C. was filled with multiple colorful kiosks housing free copies of alternative newspapers and catalogs. Along with the Village Voice and the New York Press, The Learning Annex catalog was free for the taking.

These cheaply printed newsprint listings of adult classes on wildly diverse topics were never meant to be saved, yet save them I did and I was rewarded when I unearthed one recently with Donald Trump on the cover.  The August/September issue of The Learning Annex from 2005 promoted their “Real Estate Wealth Expo” to be held in October at the Jacob Javits Center. The enticing promise: “One Weekend Could Make You a Millionaire.”

Their star attraction- Donald Trump.

NBC’s The Apprentice first aired the year before had already started to cement Trump’s self-styled and manufactured persona as a successful billionaire businessman so when they organized this Wealth Expo, Trump was a perfect fit. He joined such other luminaries as Barbara Corcoran, televangelist Paula White, and motivational speaker Tony Robbins for a weekend lalapalooza of wealth inspiration.

Glowingly billed as “The Master Real Estate Giant” Trump promised to share his secret strategies of financial success for those willing to shell out up to $500 for the weekend. He drew record crowds and according to The Learning Annex nearly 50,000 savvy New Yorkers signed up.

As I flipped through the booklet noting courses with enticing titles such as “How to Pick Up Girls,” “Introduction to Pole Dance”  and “How to Talk to Your Cat,” I found what I was looking for. The advice Trump promised would make you a success in business. He promised to share how he achieved wealth and fame noting there were a couple of lessons not taught in business school that people wanting to be successful must know. Along with his “Master the Billionaire Mind Set”  one phrase likely not taught at Wharton, jumped off the page for me.

Use Revenge As a Motivating Factor.

“One of the things you should do in terms of success: If somebody hits you you’ve got to hit ‘em back five times harder than they ever thought possible. You’ve got to get even. Get Even.”


In exploring how he achieved wealth and fame he noted there were a couple of lessons not taught in business school that people wanting to be successful must know. At the top of his list was this advice: “Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it.”

Years before running for President he gave many speeches and public talks in which he expressed his fondness for retribution.

From one speech in 2007:

“This isn’t your typical business speech. Get even. What this is a real business speech. You know in all fairness to Wharton, I love ’em, but they teach you some stuff that’s a lot of bullshit. When you’re in business, you get even with people that screw you. And you screw them 15 times harder. And the reason is, the reason is, the reason is, not only, not only, because of the person that you’re after, but other people watch what’s happening. Other people see you or see you or see and they see how you react.”

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

Today when Trump talks about revenge, believe him.

I may hold onto old ephemera, but you can be certain that Donald Trump holds onto old grudges, waiting for just the right moment to strike and get even. Donald nurtures and buries away old wounds and slights like a squirrel burying acorns for the cold winter.

When Trump tells you he is out for blood, believe him.

No, he did not learn about retaliation from a course at Wharton.

Revenge courses through his blood. It’s in his DNA.

Side Note:

In true Trumpian fashion, Donald claimed he had the world’s highest speaking fee for his Learning Annex gig which was franchised to LA,  Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta and Boston.

Of course, he didn’t.

In 2005 he claimed The Learning Annex had agreed to pay him $1.5million per speech.

In a press release worthy of John Barron ( Trump’s alter ego)   the Learning Annex declared in its press kit “It was the highest speaking fee ever.”

In fact, the company was actually paying him much less, more like $400,000 that he admitted in a deposition in 2007.

Playing with the truth is another key to success for Trump.

Copyright (©) 2024 Sally Edelstein All Rights Reserved





  1. jefftamarkin

    Not one redeeming quality. Not one. He is rotten to the core.


  2. Midnight Modulations

    You are a fucking lying commie bitch. You suck Sally. Dog faced left wing lying cock sucking bitch


  3. randycrumbaker


    Liked by 1 person

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