Wake Up and Smell The Coffee Rudy 

Rudy’s Coffee is grounds zero for good taste

Mmmmm, I love the smell of grift in the morning!

What red-blooded America wouldn’t want to start their day with a piping hot mug of Rudy Coffee to sip while studying your Trump Bible?

Rudy’s new drip coffee has notes of chocolate, caramel, and desperation.

America’s Disgraced Mayor Rudy Guiliani has been busy brewing up a whole lot of coffee in his latest scam directed at the MAGA crowd.  He couldn’t wait to spill the beans on his new product line in an online commercial which is a slow drip of cheezy farce.


His  “Gentle on Your Stomach” coffee is not so gentle on your pocketbook at $29.99 a pop. But since his “Made in America” coffee promises to support truth, justice, and American Democracy, what patriot can refuse?

The only thing this bizarre venture will support is his mountain of legal bills and massive debt that a bankrupt Guiliani is weighed down by.

Coffee Tycoon and criminal defendant. Rudy’s mug shot in Georgia accused of criminal enterprise as part of Trump’s election overturn effort.

Wake up and smell the coffee, Rudy.

With your career and reputation in tatters, you’ve been played by Donald just like everyone who slavishly gravitates to be in his garish golden orbit only to be spit out, tarnished, and left as road kill.

Now all you can do is grift. But you’ve learned from the best.



  1. It’s become a cliche, but it’s so true. You can’t make this stuff up. #GoldenSneakers


  2. rivadns

    So clever, I chuckled, but actually it was a brilliant piece!


  3. CyberJock

    I just had to get it not so much for the taste, but where can you get coffee that also dyes your hair darker?

    Liked by 1 person

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