A Treatment Plan For Earth Day

vintage illustration earth and oil wells

Mother Earth is under the weather. On the first Earth day in 1970, millions of Americans protested the environmental effects of more than 100 years of uncontrolled fossil fueled industrial development.

Is there finally a cure in place for our ailing planet?

On Earth Day, can we all  finally acknowledge that our earth is under the weather?

Due to decades of addiction, the planet has been battling a life threatening case of acute fossil fuel toxicity. Chronic symptoms include severe drought, dangerous floods and deadly heat waves. Immediate intervention is required for recovery.

Is there finally a cure in place for our ailing planet?

collage energy greenhouse gas man and power

First responders at last years  COP21 Climate Change Summit reacted to the toxic crisis attempting to stabilize the potential deadly threat.

Treatment plans now seems to be in place for ailing Mother Earth.

The halls of the Paris Climate Accord  morphed into a critical care unit in order to reign in rising green gas emissions, the final stage of toxicity. Carbon cutting has clinically demonstrated proven efficacy in acute fossil fuel toxicity.

Today on Earth Day 2016,  the landmark Paris Agreement is scheduled to be signed by 150  world leader sat UN Headquarters in N.Y, making it the largest signing of an international agreement in world history.

This historic plan to transform the world’s fossil fuel driven economy is no easy fix, requiring a multi pronged course of treatment.

Fossil Fuel Fatality

vintage illustration ad celebrating coal industry

In this 1948 ad from McNally Pittsburgh Coal, they boast with delight at all the profits they make with a celebratory parade. Today it behooves the energy companies to now get on the clean energy bandwagon

Treating the the Big Energy Industries, is a challenge.

Suffering from Chronic Fossil Fuel Fixation Syndrome a degenerate and highly contagious disease characterized by the distinctive oversize carbon footprint,  gross swelling  of profits, severe myopic vision, paranoid delusion and greed, the  energy industries have long contaminated the planet’s inhabitants creating a massive dependency issue.

vintage illustration celebrating Energy power

Will this be the end of the Fossil Fuel era as many predict? This 1948 ad from Pennsylvania Railroad is a celebration of American Industrial might. “Coal, gas, petroleum and electricity, these basic sources of energy are available in abundance in the territory served by Pennsylvania Railroad,” the copy proudly point out in an attempt to lure more industry to the areas served by their railroad.

After a century or more of overindulgence, Mother Earth’s inhabitants are now exhibiting the late stages of addiction. The hallmark signs are evident – impaired control over a substance, preoccupation and continued use despite consequences and denial of its harm.

Left untreated, addiction to fossil fuels is often fatal.

A shift in energy renewals is often well tolerated with patients suffering withdrawal from this chronic and often life threatening condition.

It is important for a clean energy future to not only get patients well but also to keep them well, in order to avoid a relapse.

Warning: Some industrialized nations with a preponderance of climate deniers are associated with a greater risk of relapse.

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© Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  1. fearocean

    We ignore the thousands of trees felled each year, to make way for bio fuels, cattle and cheap beef burgers. Our oceans are dying from over fishing and pollution, radiation is spewing from Fukushima, oil spills abound and the fracking of shale gas has got the green light from the masters of this world… and as the chemicals injected into the Earth, poison our rivers and streams, our planet dies…and we die with it.

    We are all hypocrites, slaves to the reptile mind, held in a stupor of unreality, so absorbed in the struggle to survive, and the sensual comforts we have in life, that we have sold our souls to darkness along with our planet, and instead of confronting the truth, we sweep our fears under the carpet and carry on…


  2. This latest effort is too damn little too damn late. I don’t expect much to get done. At least, not by the politicians. Businesses are starting to wake up and smell the coffee. One thing is for sure, Miami will be underwater soon and Governor Rick Scott tells us that state employees can’t, well, see for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo3K7rbkWZQ

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Several 2, 3, and 5-year studies have shown that the world (most definitely the U.S.) could have no further need/use for fossil fuels by 2050 IF we find the political and collaborative civil will to save ourselves from catastrophe or worse, extinction. The only drawback to this badly needed change would be the temporary societal ‘withdrawals’ you allude to Sally and those monstrous fossil-fuel corporation shake ups, propoganda checkbooks, and their governmental lobbies. No small task there, unfortunately. :/

    Here is one of those studies from the Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford University:


    Wonderful eye-opening post Sally. Thank you! I especially enjoyed the addiction analogy since I deal with those disorders/diseases on a weekly basis. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Always appreciate your well informed, insightful comments


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