Dump Trump

Trump Hanksy Mural

“Dump Trump,” street artist Hanksy’s N.Y.C. anti Trump mural from 2015 has never seemed more prescient.

Trump is in deep doo doo.

After Trump’s truly vile slur referring to immigrants from Haiti and Africa as coming from “shithole countries,” Donald-I-have-the-best-words-Trump has truly earned his place in history as a “shithole President!”

In keeping with the whitewashing policy of this white supremacist presidency, that iconic anti-Trump mural painted in lower Manhattan during the presidential campaign season, was sadly covered over with a thick coat of white paint in advance of Trump’s inauguration exactly a year ago.

It’s time to bring the mural back.

After the inexcusable and revolting comment about immigrants from other than Western Europe, patriotic Americans must finally admit their President is a racist.

And that’s no bullsh*t.


  1. I love street art. Now more than ever. Thanks for sharing this mural.

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  2. Each time I think he’s hit the bottom of that sink little mind of his, he comes up with this: “shithole countries” business. Shame! What do the Republicans have to witness that man say or do before they realize he is a liability even if he will sign anything they put in front of him, mostly because he has no curiosity about policy, only what affects him directly? Vote Blue!

    Liked by 2 people

    • The absolute silence by the Republican “leadership” ie Ryan and McConnell on this matter is deafening. Shame on them. The bar just keeps getting lower and lower for all of them

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      • Stevon Brock

        He is right Sally,why can’t we get good decent people here instead of takers,let people from Ukraine here,educated and just want a chance,but these people we can’t help they are taker’s,,,


      • Stevon Brock

        …and Haiti got ripped off by the Clintons,remember all those Millions to go toward a Hospital,but Hillary kept all the money that her bogus Foundation raised for Haiti,that is Liberals,,,


    • Stevon Brock

      So Naive’ we all are racist to a degree and don’t say you are not,


      • Most of us recognize that, Stevon, and learn to address it.

        There is a shocking “honesty” (I guess you’d call it) that Trump says what he thinks, regardless of how hurtful it is or ill advised. That doesn’t make it acceptable, especially for someone in a leadership position where his words have major consequence.

        If you or I said what he did, who’d know or care, but it would still be racist and hurt if heard by someone who came from one of the countries.

        I will spare you the fact that I have African American and Native American relatives (nieces and nephews, great nieces and great nephews, my sister-in-law), that I voted twice for Barack Obama because I liked his professorial and reasoned tone (which isn’t to say I liked everything he did as President), or that…oh well! You’ve already assumed I am a closet racist, so why waste the effort to suggest otherwise.

        Happy Martin Luther King Day, Stevon. We each can learn from his example, and the world will be a better place if we do.

        p.s. Cynicism is an ugly quality, too, and a better approach is skepticism because the truth does set you free when you learn it.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. sink little mind = sick little mind

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  4. Stevon Brock

    Who wants all those people here,hell we can’t even take care of our Vets,Homeless,and low income people,so he is right,about sh*thole countries they are just that,and has nothing to do with Racist,Bigotry,would you want them next door to you?we can help them better where they are,not here where it would take jobs away from Americans,CLOSE OUR BORDERS NOW,,,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Never forget that immigrants from places like Ireland was once considered a “sh*hole”

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      • Stevon Brock

        Sally now you are splitting hair’s,different time different people,they wanted to be Americans,but these shithole people don’t care either way,they just way handouts,the Irish wanted to work and conform to be proud Americans,and they did just that,,


  5. Stevon Brock

    Trump is not a bad person,he just speaks what’s on his mind,which is a good thing,instead of sugar coating it,,,Go TRUMP,,


  6. Once again tRump reminds me of several of my 4th and 5th grade Special Needs students with legitimate behavioral and emotional problems, like verbal outbursts. This very poor excuse of a “leader” has NO EXCUSES and is most likely a 1950’s overlooked Special Needs case. All one has to do is listen to his “vast” vocabulary and sentence structure.

    Someone or something PLEASE save us from this moron! 😖

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    • Stevon Brock

      See all of you people are racist toward Trump,instead of the dead beat people that come here,wanting handouts,a Professor gave a speech and demonstration on how if we took in 5 million people,how it is just a drop in the bucket,help them where they are,not here,


    • Stevon Brock

      Judge not lest ye be judged,,


    • What’s interesting that in the time period Trump was growing up, children from privileged backgrounds who had what were referred to as ” behavioral problems” such as what young Donald exhibited, were sent like he was to a Military Academy where the discipline was thought able to straighten them out. Clearly he fell through the cracks and the country is now suffering because of it.

      Liked by 3 people

      • You are exactly right Sally. From the Sept. 2017 Washington Post article “Is Trump mentally ill? Or is America? Psychiatrists weigh in.” —

        Now, some psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals are shedding long-held norms to argue that Trump’s condition presents risks to the nation and the world. “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” features more than two dozen essays breaking down the president’s perceived traits, which the contributors find consistent with symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy and other maladies. “Collectively with our coauthors, we warn that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency,” Judith Lewis Herman of Harvard Medical School and Bandy X. Lee of the Yale School of Medicine write in the book’s prologue.

        Having worked for years in the Psych/A&D field, I wholeheartedly agree with these 27 licensed professional experts. But what is worse is that 62,979,879 American voters voted for him, or voted strictly and BLINDLY by party only! What does that say about the mental/cognitive condition of almost 63-million Americans!? 🤒😲

        I really do hope Sally this is not the first sign of the decline or spiralling of American Intellectualism! I promise you, we DO NOT want to go down that path de-evolution.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Stevon Brock

        I would not give you 2 cents for all the Psychiatrist in the world,why don’t you take each president and break them all down and see what you come up with,instead of being fixated on Pres.Trump,,and turn it on yourselves while your at it,


      • Stevon Brock

        The Chicago Tribune is a Liberal News paper,and Sally where would you put all these unwanted people,do you want 1 or 2 in your house,is your heart that big,or is it your mouth is?you better think,Trump may have put it out there in the rough but that’s ok,he is no fool by a longshot,and you people are tryin to be politically right,Oblozo was an embarrassment,Muslim Brotherhood,giving Billions to Iran,what if Trump had done that,,,OMG,,


      • Stevon Brock

        Sally your good at telling half a story,why not tell how Trump excelled in the Academy,but you won’t do that will you,,,


  7. Stevon Brock

    You people that are against Trump are what racist?you do not like him,but instead you loved Oblozo,a traitor,giving Iran Billions,open up the borders for anyone to come in,what is wrong with you people,we don’t need the worlds poorest people,we can help them where they are,if that is racism count me in,,,


  8. From an editorial in today’s Chicago Tribune,: “And if you laughed, or if you smiled, or if you nodded your head in agreement, you will be remembered just as Trump will: as a racist, a fool and an absolute embarrassment.”

    Liked by 3 people

  9. By the way Sally, did you catch Kumail Nanjiani’s Critic’s Choice Award acceptance speech last night?

    He stated something along the lines of… “Men, it is time to just SHUT UP and listen! We’ve been talking way too much for way too many centuries!

    Hahahahahahaha!!! I jumped up and yelled “YEAH” so loud that the neighbors called to check on me! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Can American social critics truly expect the rest of the world to believe their vocal disgust and moral outrage when a boorish and self obsessed celebrity becomes a boorish and self obsessed president? What did you guys expect? It’s not like he’s some sort of Cinderella that’s gonna be magically transformed via a simple swearing in process… It’s a modern American fairytale to think that ambition makes up for experience, that one can take short cuts and still be able to have all the skills necessary to do a tough job… America is the home of instant celebrityism and now of instant presidentism (sic!), each quite unnatural and unpalatable to reason and logic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The majority of us did not vote nor buy into this fairy tale and saw clearly with our eyes exactly what we would get if this uniquely unqualified man got elected. He is exactly as advertised which is why we were since Election Day and remain, horrified.


  11. thetactfultypist, it is important that you know 59.7% of eligible voters voted in 2016, and of those 46.4% votes (62,984,825) were for Trump and Clinton got 48.5% of the votes (65,853,516). So Trump got 46.4% of 59.7% of the ballots cast by eligible voters, making him a minority president both by total possible votes and by actual votes by almost 3,000,000 more cast for Hillary Clinton.

    Most Americans realized he was a conman, a racist, a narcissist, a vapid and ignorant non-reader, a bully, a philanderer and adulterer, and little more than a television celebrity with no qualifications for office.

    While Clinton was anything but flawless as a candidate, she, at least, had experience as a Senator and secretary of State. I suppose First Lady brought some level of knowledge to her about governance, too, if not directly.

    Oh, and Trump lies so much the Washington Post tally is up to 2000 as of a couple weeks ago, I think it is:


    Where I live, the county residents eligible to vote voted 74.6% for Trump. I didn’t! It is difficult to live among otherwise very nice people I’ve know all my life and realize they “drank the Kool Aid” that snake oil conman sold them and still think he is doing a good job! Somehow they live with a president who is corrupt, plays at being a Christian (“Two Corinthians”) but screwed contractors out of payment on building jobs, had Trump products made out of country while playing the “make them bring work back to America” in his campaign rallies, and screwed some porn star one year into his marriage to His current wife, and his second wife before his first wife and he were divorced. Any one of these transgressions should have turned that 74.6% against him. This is a very conservative ostensibly Christian community! I want to ask them sometime about grabbing pussy. I’m sure the good Christians of my community must have thought he was talking about rescuing homeless cats of the street. Yeah, sure!

    On top of it, he won because of a Constitutional process that puts the election outcome in the hands of the Electoral College. If you are going to make statements on the hypocritical Americans whining about their very flawed President, you need this one little bit of knowledge to fine tune your understanding of how this abortion got into office:

    Liked by 2 people

    • Stevon Brock

      Weg,can you cast the first stone??are you without sin?and you live where people wanted change,and we got it,good and bad,no one president is perfect,never will be,you are just cherry picking,the 63 Million is legal on the other hand with the help of Soros and his fraud machine’s got her 3 Million illegal votes as we all know,Hillary was for abortion not Trump,you liberals need to just get over it,he will not be impeached either,Our founding fathers put the electoral process in there,and there is no problem with it,but if it was up to you Lib’s you would do away with the Constitution,GET OVER IT,,


      • As William MacAdoo said, “It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.” You win!

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      • Stevon Brock

        Dam Weggie you should of picked a betterman than McAdoo to get a saying from,backstabber,womanizer,hungout in the Bars,married 3 times to 23 yo girls in his 60’s,a player for sure,a businessman,lawyer,then Wilson put him in charge, Secretary of the Treasury then he married Wilson’s 23 yo daughter,then tried to run for president and he was backed by the KKK,but did not win like Hillary,so if you are ok with this man,sounds like he is no different than Pres.Trump by your account.now McAdoo’s father was a plantation owner,had slaves,but lost his fortune and moved on to Knoxville,very unstable people at best,so if you Demo’s are ok with this man,you are delusional.but he did some good as well,the thing is that we are all human,and we make mistakes,but we should all work together to make things better for our people and country,close our borders DO YOU REALLY WANT THEM OPEN FOR ANYBODY TO COME HERE,IF SO ENLIGHTEN ME,PLEASE AS TO WHY.


      • Kind of like your man,Trump, eh? I take it as encouraging that you took the time to look him up. I always regarded people like you as uneducable.

        Yes, I was aware of his sordid personal history. His name is on the cornerstone of the local post office, which piqued my curiosity, you see. That’s when I came across the quote several years ago (2009).

        No, I don’t admire him any more than I admire your man, whose father was in the KKK, but if he ever says anything profound, I might even quote Trump. It could happen.

        Incidentally, are you aware the height of membership in the KKK was after WWI, and many otherwise responsible and prominent people all over America – not just the south – were members. America was a very overtly racist country throughout most of the 20th Century. Just the facts. Google it. Trump’s nationalism stance has a similarity to the Americanism (that is White Americanism) of the KKK. If you don’t see it, minorities do.

        No, the immigration process doesn’t let anyone in. There is a vetting process in place that screens applicants. The place there needs to be better control isn’t the border but where people on travel visas, education visas, green cards stay after they expire.

        Here’s a link you might find interesting. Also, last summer, I think it was, the Trump administration institutes “extreme vetting”, which requires addition information from applicants (user names on social media for five years back, for instance, that makes sense to me) :


        All nations have a right to restrict immigration. America is no different, and people who are willing to make the move still have to go through a tough vetting process that already is in place. Now, if Congress can work up a realistic bipartisan tweak on what already is in place, perhaps you and I can stop poking at each other.


      • Stevon Brock

        We are not so different you an I,as a kid me and my brother use to watch the KKK burn crosses at a field across from where we lived in 61’lol it scared us to pieces,but I am an educated man,ty,lol I just want what is best for us and our country,and yes they both have a sordid past,as do we all,My daughter-in-law came from the Ukraine my son met her and flew over there to meet her and her parents,she is an Architect he is a Program writer,and they live in Colorado,doing great,but my son went threw, and her as well ,a lot of processing and money to do it properly,she will be a Citizen in 2 more years,and I think we can stop poking at each other,either way,lol,,,Steve P.S.That is a good link you sent,ty,BTW I have studied just about anything that pertains to our country,and I live in the Deep South,Alabama,,and I have been in the Martial Arts all my life and teach,but have read Zen,Taoism,Krishnamurti,and on,Here is one you will like from Zen,Empty Heads Have Long Tongue’s,,lol and I know where you will use that one,,lol TC,,


      • Not at all. Anyway, that is a point: we do all want what’s best for the country. I have to believe that applies for most people.


  12. You have the slogan to use for election time #dumptrump that could include the year such as #dumptrump2018 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Glad your words are reaching out! great post!

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