It May Be 1864 in Arizona But Roevember is Coming

In 2024 right-wing Christian Nationalists are burning through women’s rights with the same fury and zeal as General Sherman did in 1864 when he destroyed and burned down everything in his path in his race to the sea.

And now the two collide

If the GOP has its way, gals will soon be heading up to their attics to get their great great great grandmothers’ hoop skirts out of storage.

It’s 1864 again.

Arizona Supreme Court turned back the old-timey clock to the 19th century time enforcing its extremist 1864 law criminalizing all abortions except those to save a mother’s life.

We are at war.

The GOP has effectively declared war on women.

Women will not go back.

They will fight and vote like their lives depend on it because it does.

Roevember is Coming!



  1. Caren Helene Rudman

    Lets pray you’re right!!!! so scary!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Arizona’s Attorney General Kris Mayes issued a very powerful statement about the ruling in essence saying as long as she is Attorney General,no woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this draconian law in her state.
      Women will not stand for this and will stand up.


  2. Sally, all eligible people need to vote. Women need to vote. It is not just fighting for women’s rights, it is moving forward with climate change action which is being fought with a lot of money by an industry who has made a lot of money off fossil fuel, it is fighting for civil rights for all races and religions, it is fighting for democracy and truth against a party that requires metaphorical Kool-Aid drinking to believe the lies for the former president, it is for competence as the previous president was voted the worst president in US history by 152 historians (as an independent I agree with this rating), and it is about the rule of law, which the former president thinks are suggestions.

    Joe Biden is far from perfect, but he is an honorable, rational and decent person who has brought needed civility back to the White House, as opposed to the guy who threw his ketchup laced burger and fries against the dining room wall when people did not do things his way and has been given ample opportunity to prove his election fraud claims and has failed miserably even with Republican judges and secretaries of state.

    And, for all women reading this, the former president had his fixers pay off a lot of women (over twenty) who sexually assaulted as he bragged on in the Access Hollywood tapes and on the Howard Stern show. He rationalized it as “locker room talk,” but I have never heard anyone in a locker room over my years boast on getting away with the crime of “digital rape” as the judge in the E. Jean Simmons’ appeal called it.

    I understand why competitive men support the former president as he purposefully appeals to their idea of a strong man. But, why women support this sexually assaulting person is beyond me.


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    • PS – I left off a reference that is important to highlight. Trump appeals to competitive men “with false bravado.” Of course, that means fake bravery. Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney called Trump the appropriate term “a coward” for lying to his followers that he won an election that he knows he lost big.

      To me, Trump is not “adult” enough to admit he lost or does anything wrong. When I hear his fans echo this, I think of one easy example. Trump’s defamation penalty was increased in a second trial with E. Jean Simmons from $5 million to $83 million. Why? Because he would not shut up. All of his crimes are his fault, but this second defamation verdict is clearly the fault of the whinging former president.



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