Is Uncle Sam Headed to Divorce Court?

I’m feeling very blue. Broken up really.

Marjorie Taylor Green wants a divorce.

Friends warned me, they told me to move on. I didn’t want to listen. But now I have to be woke to the fact –she’s just not that into me.


A collection of woke Action Figure Dolls in my office.

I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how things spun so out of control. Was it my unrelenting insistence on watching MSNBC, my subscription to The New York Times, the collection of bell hooks books that clearly took up too much space on the bookshelf?

Admittedly, my addiction to Rachel Maddow might have required an intervention. Addiction I know takes it toll on any relationship.

Maybe it was my gluten-free diet, or merely my Jewish aversion to anything pork that set the Georgia Peach into a rage? In the end, perhaps it was my latest Nancy Pelosi Action doll that was the final straw that broke the Congresswoman’s back.

Donlad Trump Bobbleheads in my collection

Would it have made a difference if I had told her that I have on occasion tuned in to Fox to watch Judge Jeanine Pirro, or skulked around on Truth Social.  Or that I have a MAGA hat hanging in my office. My collection of Donald Trump Bobbleheads is front and center.  I suspect she would have seen through these attempts at appeasing her, knowing they were a subterfuge for sarcasm and research.

Marge thinks a national divorce is a good idea. Sure the honeymoons been over for quite some time. Like so many relationships we took our marriage for granted. It was hard to ignore the growing fractures in our relationship.

But, I can’t help but wonder in retrospect…. was ours always just a marriage of convenience?

Sadly I guess it’s called a breakup because it’s broken.

Our nation’s foundation really had plenty of cracks in it from the beginning. The decades-old spackle used to hide all the ruptures have been slowly crumbling, exposing the deep fissures that have always been there.

Maybe splitsville was always in the cards for this White Nationalist.

And one needn’t be woke to know that.


Copyright (©) 2023 Sally Edelstein All Rights Reserved




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