What Type of Woman Is Rape Worthy?

“She’s not my type!”

It’s becoming a trope for Trump.

This has been Donald’s go-to line since  E. Jean Carroll first accused him of raping her in Bergdorf Goodmans.  It has been his gold s

Always said with a misogynist wink and nod, it’s something he assumes any red-blooded American male would agree with.

Not Attractive Enough To Assault

Donald Trump Golfing

In the past, he has rejected other sexual assault accusations by asserting that the women who accused him of taking advantage of them are not attractive enough to engage in such behavior.

“Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you, Trump told supporters at a campaign event in 2016 after a woman accused him of putting his hand up her skirt while on an airplane, “You don’t know. That would not be my first choice. ”

As the crowd laughed he said, “Check her out on Facebook, you’ll understand.”

Photo E. Jean Carroll with Donald Trump 1990s taken from court Documents. Trump wrongly identified her as his then-wife Marla Maples.

Trump claims of course the encounter with Carrol never happened, “does anybody believe I would take a then almost 60-year-old woman that I didn’t know, from the front door of a very crowded department store ( with me being very well known to put it mildly, into a tiny dressing room and…her” Trump wrote in his Truth Social site.

It begs the question.

Is there a type you would rape?

So we assume some women are rape-worthy?

I’m sure his crew of aging, overweight, Viagra-popping buds at Mar-a- Lago would concur- when it comes to being rape worthy- it most certainly is not an old woman like E. Jean Carroll who Trump claims was 60 though in fact she would have actually been 53 in 1996.

Funny, the same age as his beautiful wife Melania is today.

Melania can relax. Trump wouldn’t consider even her rape-worthy today.

Both women are way past their prime

Prime rape age seems to be a nubile 25.

Out of Luck

Too bad for MAGA-worshipping Kari Lake who is also 53. Dreams of Donald sweeping you away to join him in the Lincoln bedroom when he reclaims the White House are never going to happen. You’re way over the hill for that 76-year-old obese, malignant narcissistic.

At 48 the ever-fawning Marjorie Taylor Greene’s romantic fantasy of hopping in the sack with Donald is also unrealistic. Damn, Marge is even too old to rape, let alone fuck.

Even daughter Ivanka is out of the running now.

Trump’s out-of-touch out-of-date line of reasoning is as worn, weary, and cruelly offensive as the man who keeps using it.

I can only dream that he will be rape-worthy when he ultimately lands in jail.

© Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  1. Sally, with over twenty legitimate sexual assault accusations against him, apparently his type includes women and teen girls who won’t fight back. There is too long a list of things Donald Trump has been accused of that he says he did not do.

    On the sexual assault side, he has bragged in an audio tape that he liked to grab women by their private parts, but later dismissed that as locker room talk (I can not recall any fellow athlete bragging on sexual assault in a locker room). On the Howard Stern show, he has bragged of his wont to walk into a dressing room of nude and partially nude teen age beauty pageant contestants.

    These are his words. Of course, he has denied alleged trysts, affairs and assaults. But, per his fixer, the roue has paid off a lot of women for something. To give the former president something, he is likely not guilty of everything he has been accused of. But, with a full time fixer, I am also quite certain, he is guilty of quite of lot of his accusations.


    Liked by 1 person

    • His words on the tape are so damming and are more a less an exact description of what he did in this instance. Because there was by Ms Carrol’s own account some mild flirtation going on, I suspect that in his mind that gave him the green light to do what he wanted, and he likely still feels there was nothing wrong with his behavior. Over the decades there must be hundreds of women he sexually assaulted by inappropriate touching. If many of these occurred in the 70s,80s or 90s the culture was very different and women sadly, shrugged off these terrible episodes and kept them to themselves.


  2. ellie berner

    “She’s not my type.” Amazing that Trump and the people around him don’t realinze how enraging this low class comment is to all women. I hope that is reflected when they vote

    Liked by 1 person

    • His comments are so off-the-charts offensive and wildly out of step with how we as a society have evolved. Carroll’s team has presented a compelling and powerful case and I would be shocked if the jury doesn’t find for her.


  3. Pingback: Reposting a Repost: 2017’s “To the Brave 22 Women Who Told Us What Trump Did to Them” and Its 2023 Update – Feminist Asian Dad

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