Colds & Cigarettes

vintage ad smoking people with colds

Under the Weather? How About a Smoke?
(L) Illustration from Vintage Listerine Ad (R) Vintage Spuds Cigarette Advertisement 1943

What a Drag

Under the weather? Try a smooth smoke.

Why let a pesky head cold, sore throat or cough  get in the way of enjoying a cigarette or two?

Folks back during the 1940’s had the right idea. With no annoying restrictions on when, where or how often you could smoke…. why let your health get in the way of your enjoyment?

WWII was a stressful time taking its toll on you emotionally and physically.

While the boys overseas could count on Camels to quiet their war jangled nerves, folks back on the home front happily turned to “SPUD” cigarettes to fill the bill when they were rundown.

Vintage Spuds Cigarette Advertisement 1943

Vintage Spuds Cigarette Advertisement 1943

“There are times,” this 1943 cigarette ad informs the reader, “when Spuds are simply the one answer when nothing else will do, to help with whatever ails you.”

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

Take the case of Mitzi Hansen.

Between her job at the GE defense plant, and her volunteer work at the Red Cross and local Canteen, she was plain worn down.

The Old Switcheroo

Vintage Cigarette Ad 1943 illustration woman smoking

Illustration from Vintage Spuds Cigarette Advertisement 1943

That winter, a good old-fashioned cold was making the rounds at the defense plant where Mitzi worked. Between the long hours and the crowded conditions it wasn’t long before she caught the worse case of sniffles.

Trudging through the snow after work, Mitzi headed straight to Ol’ man Peterson’s Pharmacy  to stock up on cold supplies. When it came to health care, the pharmacists was as trustworthy as the family doctor.

As the druggist rang up the Kleenex, the hot water bottle and the bottle of liniment, he noticed she was missing one essential cold care remedy- a pack of cigarettes.

“Mitzi,” he asked perplexed “why let a head cold keep you from the enjoyment of smoking?”

But not just any cigarettes, our wise druggist advised. Mr Peterson recommended SPUD cigarettes made especially for smokers with colds and nasty coughs. Thousands of smokers agree- their sore throats felt clearer and cooler after smoking SPUDS.

Mitzi was sold!

Smart cookie, Mitzi was sure to switch to Spuds any time she caught a cold.

“Of course I switch to Spuds when I have a cold,” Mitzi explained to the other gals at the plant. “That clear, cool menthol seems to cut right through my cold-clogged taste, and bring back old-time smoking pleasure!”

Vintage Cigarette Ad 1943 illustration

Illustration from Vintage Spuds Cigarette Advertisement 1943

Whenever Mitzi’s throat is dry or over strained from singing at the local USO show, Mitzi doesn’t reach for a lozenge, silly. Common sense tells you a smooth cigarette is just the ticket for that cool refreshment only a good smoke will cure.

“When my throat feels dry or over strained, a SPUD is just what I want!” says Mitzi. “There’s a feeling of cool. Soothing refreshment that only SPUDS gentle touch of menthol imparts.”

Don’t Let Smokers Hack Rob You of Romance

Vintage Cigarette Ad 1943 illustration

illustration from Vintage Spuds Cigarette Advertisement 1943

Mitzi had a big date for the dance and wouldn’t you know she developed a good case of smokers cough. Uh oh, sounds like it could put the kibosh on romance .

But smart Mitzi never lets a smokers cough get in the way of real smoking pleasure… or romance. Whenever she can’t get rid of that annoying smokers cough she simply switches to SPUDS. “They  seem to be the only cigarette I want when I have a cough.”

Mitzi is sure grateful to her friendly family Pharmacist for his swell suggestion.

Good thing Peterson’s Pharmacy was a family business. With advise like his, chances are Mr Peterson wouldn’t be getting a job at a CVS -tobacc0- free-Drug Store  anytime in the near future.

© Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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